Incident report
To make an incident report use the above link to access the form in the list.
Email your report to holroydrangers@hotmail.com and also inform the Holroyd Rangers Club President or Secretary by phone.
Send in your report to Holroyd Rangers email asap or within 24 hours as we then need to forward it to GDSFA within 48 hours.
2024 Miniroos Playing Format rules (09/2020)
Competition rules for Miniroos covers ages 6-11
Football NSW Insurance
This website provides information about insurance coverage provided by Football NSW:
For players (the Accident Support Program). It is important to recognize that the Accident Support Program, is limited in the benefits provided , consistent with keeping the premiums at affordable levels. It is strongly recommended that participants in the sport purchase private Health Insurance.
For clubs: Public liability insurance.
Cover is provided for injuries caused by active participation in officially organised games, official practice and training sessions, and official functions. Events not listed above or officially sanctioned by FNSW are not covered under this program.
Hot Weather Guidelines
Football NSW provides guidelines on management of games during hot weather.
Smoking nor permitted at sports grounds (Update e-cigarettes June 2018)
“E-cigarettes have been added to the definitions of ‘smoke’ under the Smoke Free Environment Act 2000 via the Smoke-Free Environment Amendment Act 2018. E-cigarettes are not permitted in some outdoor public places including:
‘an area set aside for or being used by spectators to watch an organised sporting event at a sports ground or other recreational area, but only when an organised sporting event is being held there.’
(Ref Cumberland Council email 26 June 2018)