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The 6 a side Soccer competition usually involves 1 or 2 rounds of games (11 games) depending on the number of teams in each division.

Final draw will be notified to participants following completion of the round. All teams play during finals.

Trophy and medals awarded to winning team and medals to the runner up. 


Points and finals

Win: 3 points Draw: 1-point   Loss: 0 points. No bonus points, ranking will be based on goal difference, followed by most goals scored.

Finals will be top 2 for each division.

Grand final will go to penalty shoot-out if drawn after extra time.


Kick off times - Juniors 

U9 and U11 - 6.15pm

U13/14 and Mixed All Age 7:00pm

Men and Women All Age 7:45pm

*Make up games may vary

Teams must start play at the scheduled kick off times notified to them, time starts as soon as the siren sounds.

Teams playing the final games of each evening of competition are responsible for carrying one set of portable goals and 4 goal pegs back to the clubhouse.

Teams that do not bring their goals back to the shed will be deducted points.


P&D (Yellow cards, red cards)

Players will receive yellow and red cards as per regular FIFA rules (including dangerous or reckless tackling, foul and abusive language, professional fouls, persistent fouls or any violence directed at any other player or official).

If a player accumulates consecutive yellow cards, they miss the next game. This includes finals.

If a player receives a red card- Holroyd Rangers disciplinary committee will notify player and his team organiser via email of suspension length depending on the report and the nature of the incident. (All red card recipients will have a 1-week min suspension)

Players accumulating consecutive yellow cards will receive 1-week suspension. Players accumulating 2 red cards the Holroyd Rangers disciplinary committee will notify player of suspension length.


Size of pitch is 40m x 25m. Goal area semi-circle of 6m radius.



Referees will be provided.

Verbal or physical abuse or intimidation or threats of violence or the persistent questioning of decisions of a referee by players, coaches or spectators, will not be tolerated and is unacceptable in this competition.

Suspensions and/or team expulsions will occur if players or team supporters are found guilty of any of this behaviour.

Any player behaving in this manner stated above will be sent off and suspended and the entire team risks expulsion.

The offending player’s team may, at the competition manager’s discretion, get points deducted for the behaviour and risk team expulsion from the competition.

Team’s spectators who verbally abuse, intimidate, threaten or question referee decisions or enter the playing field will result in a 3-point deduction for the team and at the discretion of the competition manager risk having the team being expelled from the competition.

The spectators found guilty of this behaviour will be asked to stop and if they don't will be asked to leave the ground and not to return. If a team’s spectators behave in the manner described above risk expulsion from the competition, never to return.


Registration Checks

Any adult team can at any time request to check the opposing teams registered players, all players must be registered. Playing unregistered players will result in that team forfeiting that game.

The referee or a roaming official will undertake registration checks using the original registration list received by Holroyd Rangers.

Teams/ team captains must cooperate with officials by helping with this process.

All players must sign in before they play.

Unregistered Players/ players used from other teams

Teams cannot play an unregistered player at any time.

Teams cannot play a disqualified or suspended or expelled player at any time.

Teams can borrow players from other teams if they have less than 6 players for a game and the borrowed player can only play if the opposition team agrees.

Using players from other teams without permission from another team will result in a forfeit of the game. Teams found to be playing unregistered players will forfeit the game.


You can register new players up until the 6th round, so don’t risk it.

If a team has not registered its minimum of 7 players by the 2nd round Holroyd Rangers reserve the right to expel the team and only refund on a pro rata basis.


Player numbers before the start of a match

If a team has 3 or less players the game is declared a forfeit. A forfeit can only be declared by the supervisor or competition manager (not the referee). The game can still be played with the borrowing of other players and will be played as a friendly.

If a team has 4 players ready to play, the game is 'live' and will count. In this case the team with the 4 players can ask permission from the opposing team to borrow players from other teams from the same playing category or from its own team.

Once permission is granted the game will play and the result will stand. The opposing team has every right to say no!

Players can register for more than 2 teams but must pay the additional registration fee.

Players that have registered for a team but have not completed payment will not be allowed to play until full registration fee is paid- no exceptions.

If you have registered 2 or more teams into a specific comp cannot transfer players unless permission they have 4 or 5 players and have asked permission from the other side to do so. The referee will facilitate the process.


Registrations - Non-Transferable

Player registrations are not transferable. If a player can no longer play for any reason their registration fee cannot be transferred to a new player. No exceptions.


Registration- Other

All players must be registered to play, teams risk being expelled if they play unregistered players 

Refunds will not be given if a player stops playing for whatever reason.  

You cannot have another player take over a registration of a player who has decided to stop playing (i.e. if injured). 

You can register additional players up to 6 weeks into the competition (full fee must be paid- 4 weeks in a pro rata fee will be considered after 4 weeks). 

Holroyd Rangers have the final say if a team can or cannot participate in its competition. Factors such as past suspensions/bans (with clubs or with Football NSW), poor conduct of players who have participated in previous competitions and un-financial teams or players may be refused entry. 

Holroyd Rangers can expel (without refund) any player or team on the spot at any time during the competition for any violent behaviour or non-conforming registration related issue relating to its team, members of team and its spectators. 

No sibling or student discounts available

Registration includes comprehensive injury insurance, fully dressed pitches or fields, balls, goals, qualified and reliable referees, marshals, competition scheduling and tables, prizes for the winners.

Full refunds will be given to teams if a competition does not go ahead 



Forfeited games result in 3 points being credited to the non-forfeiting team. The forfeiting team will lose an additional 3 points if Holroyd Rangers are not notified 2 days before kick off day.

Teams forfeiting 3 times will be expelled from the competition, without refund. (If your players are unreliable, register more!)

Holroyd Rangers may expel any team that forfeits 3 games without valid cause.  No refunds will be paid to teams expelled or withdraw from the competition.

The referee cannot rule a game forfeited. The competition manager or the supervising official will determine if a game is forfeited after consultation with the field referee.



Holroyd Rangers reserve the right to expel or suspend players or teams or team spectators involved in any sort of on or off field violence, including verbal abuse, intimidation (including questioning of decisions) or assault of officials- without any refund.

Serious violence will be reported to the police, we may prosecute serious offences and also assist victims of violence in prosecution

Players or teams expelled will not be allowed back into the competition. Teams can also be expelled for playing unregistered players at any time.


Team Withdrawal  

If a team withdraws from a competition, all previous games played against this team will be nullified (win, lose or draw). No refunds will be paid to teams expelled or withdraw from the competition.


Wet Weather

If it’s been raining it is the responsibility of each player and team to check the Holroyd Rangers Facebook page for updates to see if games are still on or cancelled. If a round is cancelled due to rain or lightning Holroyd Rangers will email all team managers.

If we are affected by thunderstorms and/or lightning. Games will be stopped all spectators and players will be directed to take cover.

An assessment to recommence or suspend all remaining games will be made. We ask people to take cover near the dressing rooms or in their cars. If play is suspended for more than 30 minutes, all remaining games will be called off.


Player numbers per team

Each squad is to comprise at least 7 players and a maximum of 10.  Teams to field 6 players including a goalkeeper for each game. Goalkeeper is to wear a shirt coloured different to outfield players.

Teams will be permitted to commence play with not less than 4 players and bring on any late arriving players after kick off.

Games will not be delayed for teams short of players waiting for their players to turn up.  


Adult mixed team registration

If you want to enter a mixed team you will need to start a new team registration.

You will need to register a minimum of 7 players in total or a maximum of 10

You will need to register a minimum of 2 ladies per team

The registration fee will be as normal 

Adult mixed team playing rules

Mixed teams must have a min of 2 women on the field, playing women cannot play as goal keepers.

Mixed teams that do not have 2 women starting must play with 1 women but will have to drop a man i.e. 4 men and 1 lady on field. (5 on field altogether)

If no women turn up to play that’s a forfeit (a friendly may be played)

The minimum number of players on a mixed team for game to go ahead is 1 woman and 3 men.



Unlimited provided replacement does not enter play until player being replaced has left field.  To be taken from halfway


Footwear/ shin pads

Boots with moulded studs only. Touch football trainers or “grass cats” are acceptable. Officials will check footwear before every game

Shin pads must be worn; this is not negotiable. Players will be asked to leave the field if they are found not to be wearing shin pads



Teams to field players wearing same colour shirts and must be numbered. Numbers must match the numbers provided in original team registration form.  Holroyd Rangers can offer adult teams the option to purchase uniforms all pre-numbered.

Teams will not be allowed to play unless shirts are numbered. Bibs provided when colours of opposing teams similar. Teams must provide an updated registration sheet if shirt numbers and their allocations change.



All balls will be supplied - We don’t have ball boys or girls, so it is each teams responsibility to ensure balls do not go missing. Balls must be retrieved during game time; substitutes and goalkeepers are responsible for retrieving balls. Balls must be returned to referee at the end of each game. Only one ball per game will be supplied



Goals are erected and pegged into ground on each field by Holroyd Rangers staff. Teams playing the last games on a field are responsible for bringing the goals (still fully in tact or assembled with net still on the goal) back to the clubhouse.

Each goal contains 4 metal pegs that must also be brought back and place in box provided. Holroyd Rangers staff will disassemble goals and store away. Failure of teams to bring back a goal will result in a 3-point deduction. This is a condition of entry.


Game Duration

Each game will start on or close to scheduled time, any delays will result in a shortened game length.

Each game 40 minutes in duration with 20 minutes played in each half.

No halftime break, teams to swap ends and recommence play immediately.

Entering the playing Field

Spectators, coaches, substitutes or suspended players are not allowed to enter the field of play under any other circumstances other than described below. We take this very seriously and will throw teams out if this happens!

Spectators are to be at least 1 meter behind the side line and not stand behind the goals at any time.

A substitute can come onto field to replace another player and must only come on from the centre where the orange flag is placed or half way.

A substitute or coach can attend to an injured player after permission is sought from official.


Warm up areas

Warm up areas will be designated away from the playing fields, ask staff if unsure.


Abusive Language and swearing

We do not tolerate foul or abusive language or swearing by players or spectators. Teams/spectators will be warned if this occurs.  Referees will caution players for swearing or who use abusive language towards other players/officials or spectators.  Referees or ground officials will also caution spectators who use abusive language or swear at officials, players or other spectators.

Referees will report on team’s spectators who continue to use foul or abusive language. Teams will lose points if they or their spectators use inappropriate or bad language. Teams may be expelled without refund if this behaviour continues by the players or their spectators.


Code of Conduct

All players coaches and spectators associated with a team must read and at all times conduct themselves in line with Holroyd Rangers code of conduct. If teams are guilty conducting themselves in a manner that contravenes the code of conduct- the team could get suspended or expelled from the competition without refund



Alcohol is not to be consumed by anyone on Guildford West Sportsground while 6 a side games are in progress.



Parking at Guildford West Sportsground is usually plentiful, in the case where additional parking is required the overflow car park will be opened.



All rubbish is to be placed in the bins provided, including tape and empty drink bottles.

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